
Mountain Economy:
Resources Sustainability Governance

Vol. II, No. 2 | December 2011


Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. 2 (December 2011)

Mountain Economy: Resources Sustainability Governance

ISSN: 0976-1861
Section: Contents


Salesian Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. 2 (December 2011)
ISSN: 0976-1861 | Page No: iii | Section: Contents

Mountain Economy: Resources, Sustainability and Governance

ISSN  0976-1861December 2011Vol. II, No. 2


Editorial / Introduction

Mountain Economy: Resources, Sustainability and Governance

Mahendra P. Lama


Potential Resources, Sustinable Development and Deprivation in Himalayas

Subrata Ghosh


Conflict between Sustainable Development and Conservation of Lachung valley, North Sikkim

Anjan Chakrabarty


Development and the Plitics of North-South Divide: Accentuatiing the 'Geographies of Anger' in Mizoram

Anup Shekhar Chakraborty


What Type of Development for Sikkim?

Sonam Sherpa


Role of Mountain Women towards Sustainable Development

Amrita Banerjee (Bagchi)


Chatakpur Eco Village: Conservation-Eco tourism Linkage and Sustainable Development

Terence Mukhia


Sustaining Performance of Supply Chains through Benchmarking - A Case Study of Darjeeling Tea

Shubhro Michael Gomes


Darjeeling Tea: "Fair-Trade Labeling Organization Internatinal"

Rohin D' Suza


Sustainability of Cultural Integrtion in Darjeeling Hills

Kishan Harijan


Comfort Zone Calculation & Climatic Condition for a Typical Building Located in the Darjeeling Hills

Samar Thapa


Labour Migration and Diminishing Opportunities for Children

Rukmini Thapa


Quarrying of Minor Minerals an Associated Economic Prospects: A Case Study of Balason River

Lakpa Tamang & Bishal Chettri


Book Reviews

Padam Nepal, Environmental Movements in India: Politics of Dynnamism and Transformations

By Sonaram Baglary


Anjan Chakrabarti, Economics Development and Employment in Sikkim

By Padam Nepal


Partha Dasgupta, Economics: A Very Short Introduction

By Anjan Chakrabarti


Xinru Liu, Silk and Religion, An Exploration of Material Life and the Thought of People

By Kishan Harijan



Mountain Economy: Resources, Sustainability and Governance

Mahendra P. Lama

DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.v-xiv


Section: Editorial



Potential Resources, Sustinable Development and Deprivation in Himalayas

Subrata Ghosh

DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.1-6


Section: Article


Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. 2 (December 2011)
ISSN: 0976-1861 | DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.1-6 | Page: 01-06,
Potential Resources: Sustainable Development and Deprivation in Himalayas | Section: Articles

Potential Resources: Sustainable Development and Deprivation in Himalayas

Subrata Ghosh is a professor in the Deprtment of Business Administration, in the Siliguri Institute of Technology, Sukna, Darjeeling.

This paper explores the potential resources, its opportunities, conservation and development with particular reference to nature based energy, tourism and sustainability, in the fragile ecosystem of Himalayas. The paper also covers the issues of ecotourism, deprivation and roles of local people, NGOs and government agencies in the context of sustainable development.

Keywords: Potential Resources, Sustainable Development, Eco-tourism, Deprivation.

License : Salesian Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability Governance

Conflict between Sustainable Development and Conservation of Lachung valley, North Sikkim

Anjan Chakrabarty

DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.7-17


Section: Article


Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. 2 (December 2011)
ISSN: 0976-1861 | DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.7-17 | Page: 07-17,
Conflict Between Sustainable Development and Conservation of Lachung Valley, North Sikkim | Section: Articles

Conflict Between Sustainable Development and Conservation of Lachung Valley, North Sikkim

Anjan Chakraborty is currently an Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Economics in St. josephs College, Darjeeling. His Research Interest includes development economics, mountain economy, agrarian relations and policy research. He has published research papers and articles in various national/international journals and magazines of repute. His book is entitled Economic Development and Employment in Sikkim (Authors Press, New Delhi, 2009).

Anjan Chakrabarti in his paper highlights the problem of environmental degradation. Basing in the commonly used theory of "Tragedy of Commons", he points out that, poverty in a nation hinders the process of sustainable development because it is the poor who are unaware of the proper means to use the natural resources. Taking a close look at the conflict between sustainable development and conservation of the Lachung Valley He notes that, to save the forest the Government of Sikkim abolished the 'gothwala system' without providing any alternative livelihood.

Keywords: Sustainable Development, Conservation of Natural Resources, Gothwala system.

License : Salesian Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability Governance

Development and the Politics of North-South Divide: Accentuatiing the 'Geographies of Anger' in Mizoram

Anup Shekhar Chakraborty

DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.18-27


Section: Article


Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. 2 (December 2011)
ISSN: 0976-1861 | DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.18-27 | Page: 18-27,
Development and the Politics of North-South Divide: Accentuating the 'Geographies of Anger' in Mizoram | Section: Articles

Development and the Politics of North-South Divide: Accentuating the 'Geographies of Anger' in Mizoram

Anup Shekhar Chakraborty is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science, St. Joseph College, Darjeeling. He has been researching on Identity Politics in the North Eastern State of Mizoram. He was awarded the 'India Social Science Research 2009' by Canada's International Development research Centre (IRDC), Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) and India Development Foundation for his research work on 'Politics of Social 'Exclusions' and 'Inclusions' in Mizoram'.

Development, Progress or 'Changkangna' has been geared up in leaps and bounds through 'money-bags' politics in the now most peaceful state of the Northeast. A state almost obsessed with external and fast pace development, Mizoram serves as an interesting chapter in analyzing the various hues of development - it benefits and challenges. The Development projects in the post-peace era have been highly 'Aizawl-Centric' or 'North-Centric' and the Southern regions have continued to face the traditional stereotypes. The recent interest that the region has gained through the 'Look East Policy' has pumped in more flow of finances and development projects. Construing the Centre-led-dole-development and its promises, the paper unravels the complex relationship between 'Development and 'Politics of North-South Divide' in Mizoram.

Keywords: North-South Divide, Geographies of Anger, Look East Policy, Development.

License : Salesian Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability Governance

What Type of Development for Sikkim?

Sonam Sherpa

DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.28-44


Section: Article


Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. 2 (December 2011)
ISSN: 0976-1861 |DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.28-44 | Page: 28-44,
What Type of Development for Sikkim? | Section: Articles

What Type of Development for Sikkim?

Sonam Sherpa is a lecturer and in-charge in the Department of Economics, Salesian College Sonada. He has worked mainly on the pattern of development in Sikkim. He was Research Assistant for the 'Development Induced Displacement in Sikkim 1975-2008' coordinated by NESRC (North Eastern Social Research Centre) Guwahati.

Displacement and deprivation have become intrinsic to India's development which most perceive as raising the standard of living through economic growth and improving the services required for a better lifestyle. However, Sonam’s study shows that economic benefits do not reach every class and that some classes pay the price for the benefits that others get at their cost. One of its reasons is that development projects require a huge amount of land, and land is mostly acquired in the "backward regions" that are resource rich. Many of them are predominantly tribal areas or inhabited by rural poor classes. The project forces them to sacrifice their land in the name of "national development' whose benefits do not reach them. Moreover, since rehabilitation has been weak in most of the States it further leads to a high degree of impoverishment and marginalization.

Keywords: Marginalization, Impoverishment, Common Property Resources, Deprived Persons (DP), Project Affected Persons (PAPs), Development-Induced-Displacement (DID), Sustenance

License : Salesian Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability Governance

Role of Mountain Women towards Sustainable Development

Amrita Banerjee (Bagchi)

DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.45-49


Section: Article


Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. 2 (December 2011)
ISSN: 0976-1861 |DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.45-49 | Page: 45-49,
Role of Mountain Women towards Sustainable Development | Section: Articles

Role of Mountain Women towards Sustainable Development

Amrita Banerjee (Bagchi) is a lecturer in the Department of Engineering, Science and Humanities, in the Siliguri Institute of Technology, Sukna, Darjeeling. She has the qualification of M.A, M.phil and M.B.A

With the advent of Globalization, climatic arena of the mountains is fast changing in today's world. In this changing scenario of development, Amrita argues that women's participation is crucial towards the achievement of sustainable development. She shows that Mountain Women play a major role in the conservation of natural resources by highlighting its optimum use. She further emphasizes the empowerment of their role in decision making processes in the development of policy and the implementation of its guidelines.

Keywords: Mountain Women, Sustainable Development, Decision Making Process.

License : Salesian Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability Governance

Chatakpur Eco Village: Conservation-Eco tourism Linkage and Sustainable Development

Terence Mukhia

DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.50-55


Section: Article


Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. 2 (December 2011)
ISSN: 0976-1861 |DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.50-55 | Page: 50-55,
Chatakpur Eco Village: Conservation - Eco-Tourism Linkage and Sustainable Development | Section: Articles

Chatakpur Eco Village: Conservation - Eco-Tourism Linkage and Sustainable Development

Terence Mukhia is a lecturer in the Department of Philosophy, Salesian College Sonada who has co-edited works and number of articles on issues related to the region to his credit.

Terence attempts to make a case for sustainable development of an eco tourism village by bringing to light the resources of the Chatakpur village above Sonada within the Senchal Wildlife sanctuary and reserved forest in this study. He relies on the first hand information gathered from interviews and interactions with the persons who are the possible beneficiaries as well as agents of sustainable development of the area.

Keywords: Chatakpur, Ecotourism, Eco Village, Sustainable Development.

License : Salesian Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability Governance

Sustaining Performance of Supply Chains through Benchmarking - A Case Study of Darjeeling Tea

Shubhro Michael Gomes

DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.56-63


Section: Article


Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. 2 (December 2011)
ISSN: 0976-1861 |DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.56-63 | Page: 56-63,
Sustaining Performance of Supply Chains Through Benchmarking - A Case Study of Darjeeling Tea | Section: Articles

Sustaining Performance of Supply Chains Through Benchmarking - A Case Study of Darjeeling Tea

Shubhro Michael Gomes is an assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce, St. Xavier's College (Autonomous under Calcutta University).

Benchmarking is a relevant tool in studying the supply chain by measuring a company's product, services and processes, and comparing them against the relevant metrics of a successful firm. Gomes present the case study based on tea industry in Darjeeling, a district of West Bengal, India. Using a sample of ten units and four parameters. This paper attempts to answer the question as to how units/firms can apply and move to more scientifically managed supply chain practices, and sustain as well as improve their performance.

Keywords: Performance; Supply Chain; Benchmarking; Data Envelopment Analysis; Darjeeling Tea.

License : Salesian Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability Governance

Darjeeling Tea: "Fair-Trade Labeling Organization Internatinal"

Rohin D' Suza

DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.64-71


Section: Article


Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. 2 (December 2011)
ISSN: 0976-1861 |DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.64-71 | Page: 64-71,
Darjeeling Tea: Fair-trade Labeling Organization International | Section: Articles

Darjeeling Tea: Fair-trade Labeling Organization International

Rohin D' Souza has been working in Darjeeling Prerna (NGO) as Programme Manager since 1996. His work profile includes community groups strengthening, organic farming promotion and marketing, besides being guest lecturer at Salesian College, Sonada.

Rohin draws from his rich experience of working with grassroot initiatives in Tea Gardens of Darjeeling. He is making an assessment of the fair trade organisation (FLO) operative in region and offer suggestion for empowering the Tea Garden Labour Communities.

Keywords: Fair Trade Labeling Planning Environment Communal Benifits Need Assessment.

License : Salesian Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability Governance

Sustainability of Cultural Integrtion in Darjeeling Hills

Kishan Harijan

DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.72-82


Section: Article


Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. 2 (December 2011)
ISSN: 0976-1861 |DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.72-82 | Page: 72-82,
Sustainability of Cultural Integration in Darjeeling Hills | Section: Articles

Sustainability of Cultural Integration in Darjeeling Hills

Kishan Harijan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of History, Salesian College Sonada. His area of research interest is Trade and Commerce in Darjeeling.

Harijan makes a descriptive attempt to assess the 'sustainability of cultural integration in the Darjeeling hills' by exploring its vital constituents which encourage the sustenance of 'cultural diversity' in the hills. He also attempts to throw some new light on the prevailing discourse by focusing on the move of 'cultural diversity' to 'cultural integrity' of Darjeeling hills.

Keywords: Sustainability, Darjeeling Hills, Cultural Diversity

License : Salesian Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability Governance

Comfort Zone Calculation & Climatic Condition for a Typical Building Located in the Darjeeling Hills

Samar Thapa

DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.83-92


Section: Article


Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. 2 (December 2011)
ISSN: 0976-1861 |DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.83-92 | Page: 83-92,
Comfort Zone Calculation & Climatic Condition for a Typical Building Located in the Darjeeling Hills | Section: Articles

Comfort Zone Calculation & Climatic Condition for a Typical Building Located in the Darjeeling Hills

Samar Thapa has completed his M Sc in Environmental Science from Sikkim Manipal University. Two of his papers viz. 'Energy Efficiency in Buildings' and 'Biomass Briquetting' have also been accepted for publication.

Samar Thapa calculates the extent of heat dissipation inside the building of the Salesian College Sonada, Darjeeling, based on collected data on the temperature conditions in the four seasons, in Darjeeling. It is a brief study on climatic condition, comfort zone calculation and Psychrometric charts utilizing the Solar data and Solar Chart for 27.1° N Latitude where the Hill Station of Darjeeling is Located. It is a part of a bigger study based on "Energy Conservation in the proposed new campus at Salesian College, Sonada."

Keywords: Comfort Zone, Thermal Neutrality, Climatic Conditions in Darjeeling, Temperature.

License : Salesian Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability Governance

Labour Migration and Diminishing Opportunities for Children

Rukmini Thapa

DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.93-104


Section: Article


Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. 2 (December 2011)
ISSN: 0976-1861 |DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.93-104 | Page: 93-104,
Labour Migration and Diminishing Schooling Opportunities for Children | Section: Articles

Labour Migration and Diminishing Schooling Opportunities for Children

Rukmani Thapa is pursuing PhD (Economics), in Centre for the Studies of Regional Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She completed her M.Phil in Development Studies with specialization in Economics from Institute of Development Studies (IDSK), Calcutta University. She was a former part-time lecturer in the Department of Economics, Salesian College, Sonada.

Rukmini argues that educational deprivation among children is a many sided burden caused by a plethora of disadvantages at the household level, and further aggravated by inadequate support mechanisms from the state. She makes a case study with the welfare programmes of the government catering to people belonging either to the rural or urban space and show how those who move out of this 'space' surrender their right to entitlements of support systems, and thus remain deprived. The case study shows that educational deprivation among the children of migrant workers is the least addressed of all reasons why children are out of school.

Keywords: Universal Elementary Education, Educational Deprivation, School Dropout, Distressed Labour Migrants, Unorganized Sector

License : Salesian Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability Governance

Quarrying of Minor Minerals an Associated Economic Prospects: A Case Study of Balason River

Lakpa Tamang and Bishal Chettri

DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.105-111


Section: Article


Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. 2 (December 2011)
ISSN: 0976-1861 |DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.105-111 | Page: 105-111,
Quarrying of Minor Minerals and Sociated Economic Prospects: A Case Study of Balason River | Section: Articles

Quarrying of Minor Minerals and Sociated Economic Prospects: A Case Study of Balason River

Lakpa Tamang is a Research Fellow in the Department of Geography and Applied Geography in the University of North Bengal. His area of specialisation is Fluvial Geomorphology. He has published research papers in national journals. Bishal Chettri is presently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography, Southfield College, Darjeeling. His recent article has featured in Historical and Cultural Society of North Bengal. His area of research interest is slums in urban centres of the hill areas of Darjeeling District and strategies for improvement.

Balason river which is the most important right bank tributary of Mahananda river, having its origin from Lepchajagat on Ghum-simana ridge at an altitude of 2361m is amongst the most affected river of the sub-Himalaya due to the human induced activities of quarrying minor minerals from the river bed mostly used for construction purposes. In this paper Lakpa and Bishal attempt to assess the extent of quarrying activities of minor minerals from the Balason river bed, the exploitation of water resources and also the economic prospects of such activities.

Keywords: Quarrying, Minor Minerals, Construction Purpose, and Quality and Transport Costs.

License : Salesian Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability Governance

Book Reviews

Padam Nepal, Environmental Movements in India: Politics of Dynnamism and Transformations

Sonaram Baglary

DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.112-114


Section: Book Reviews

Book Review

Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. 2 (December 2011)
ISSN: 0976-1861 |DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.112-114 | Page: 112-114,
Environmental Movements in India: Politics of Dynamism and Transformations | Section: Book Review

Padam Nepal, Environmental Movements in India: Politics of Dynamism and Transformations, (Delhi: Authors Press, 2009), XVII + 334, ISBN 978-81-7273-490-9, Rs. 750/-

Sonaram Baglary is a lecturer and in-charge in the Department of Economics, Salesian College, Sonada. He has worked mainly on the pattern of development in Sikkim. He was Research Assistant for the 'Development Induced Displacement in Sikkim 1975-2008' coordinated by NESRC (North Eastern Social Research Centre) Guwahati.

The concern for the present day environmental problems in most of the developing countries like India is of relatively recent origin. Even the recent awareness and concern for environmental protection at the policy level is donor induced. At the grassroots, such awareness is simply a result of the efforts made by some concerned individuals and the local NGOs, which are quite often than not energized to the end by fund flows for such activities from different sources. However, the causes of environmental degradation have been many and yet continuous. This has resulted in the eruption of a host of environmental movements across the globe. India has an equally rich history of environmental protests. The author of the present volume, an emerging scholar of ecopolitics and green political theory, has attempted to map the environmental movements in India with a central focus on the nature and character of the movements, how they emerge, develop, and live a life course; and not only how the environmental movements transform themselves over time but as to how they contribute to the evolution and development of environmental concern and the quest for green democracy...

License : Salesian Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability Governance

Anjan Chakrabarti, Economics Development and Employment in Sikkim

Padam Nepal

DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.115-117


Section: Book Reviews

Book Review

Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. 2 (December 2011)
ISSN: 0976-1861 |DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.115-117 | Page: 115-117,
Economic Development and Employment in Sikkim | Section: Book Review

Anjan Chakrabarti, Economic Development and Employment in Sikkim, (Delhi: Authors Press, 2009), XVIII + 113, ISBN 978-81-7273-501-2, Rs. 350/-

Padam Nepal is a Reader in Political Science at St Joseph's College, North Point, Darjeeling. He has participated and presented papers in a number of national and international seminars and conferences.

Traditionally, economic theory focused on mostly physical and human capital and technology to explain economic growth. In the recent years, increased attention is being paid to the historical contexts, transitions in the contextual settings and the nature of the institutions. The present book by Anjan Chakrabarti, an established researcher in development economics with a wide range of experience in policy issues, is designed to capture the dynamics of economic development, taking into account the political economic and historical settings. His study is a critical evaluation of the economic development and employment in the Indian state of Sikkim. The book is an earnest quest for a right relationship amongst community, state and market for economic growth...

License : Salesian Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability Governance

Partha Dasgupta, Economics: A Very Short Introduction

Anjan Chakrabarti

DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.118-121


Section: Book Reviews

Book Review

Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. 2 (December 2011)
ISSN: 0976-1861 |DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.118-121 | Page: 118-121,
Economics: A Very Short Introduction | Section: Book Review

Partha Dasgupta, Economics: A Very Short Introduction, (Oxford University Press, 2007), 192 pages, paperback, ISBN: 97-801-9285-345-5, Rs. 150.

Anjan Chakrabarti is currently an Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Economics in St. josephs College, Darjeeling. His Research Interest includes development economics, mountain economy, agrarian relations and policy research. He has published research papers and articles in various national/international journals and magazines of repute. His book is entitled Economic Development and Employment in Sikkim (Authors Press, New Delhi, 2009).

The general feeling of people from various academic disciplines is that 'economics' is beyond the pale of commoners and it is continuously adding intractable complexities to explain the behaviour and functioning of a society. A student of political science, sociology, history or literature tends to stumble because of the increasing use of rigorous mathematics or statistics in economics. Partha Dasgupta has provided them with a cheerful alternative in this book...

License : Salesian Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability Governance

Xinru Liu, Silk and Religion: An Exploration of Material Life and the Thought of People

Kishan Harijan

DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.122-123


Section: Book Reviews

Book Review

Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. 2 (December 2011)
ISSN: 0976-1861 |DOI: 10.51818/SJHSS.02.2011.122-123 | Page: 122-123,
Silk and Religion, An Exploration of Material Life and the Thought of People, AD 600-1200 | Section: Book Review

Xinru Liu, Silk and Religion: An Exploration of Material Life and the Thought of People, AD 600-1200, (Oxford University Press, 1999), 248 pages, ISBN 9780195644524, Rs. 265.

Kishan Harijan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of History, Salesian College, Sonada. His area of research interest is Trade and Commerce in Darjeeling. This book is an extensive and adventurous journey of Silk Trade accompanied by Religion during 600-1200 AD. As revealed by the author, it is an encouragement from Professor Romila Thapar. Certain political and cultural events encouraged the intervention between Eurasia and the Mediterranean. We can see the commercial and cultural brilliance of T'ang China, Byzantine Empire as well as of Islamic Empire, through Silk Trade. However, silk played a vital role in the ecclesiastical life of these domains...

License : Salesian Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability GovernanceMountain Economy Resources Sustainability Governance

All in a Cup of Tea

Salesian College, Sonada was accredited by NAAC on 16 September 2004 and was given the Grade C++ (Institutional Score between 65-70%). On 26 February 2010 Salesian College has been conferred the status of a College with Potential for Excellence (CPE) by UGC, New Delhi, and into its 2nd Cycle from 1st April 2014. In March 2012, the College was re-accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade (CGPA of 3.16 out of 4) to be the first College to receive such grade under the University of North Bengal.

The College retained its A Grade under the New stringent Format of Accreditation in May 2019 and it is valid till 2024.

Salesian Publications, Salesian Research Institute, and Salesian Translation Centre offer opportunities for capacity building for aspiring teaching and research personnel of the region. Salesian College Extension Activities Centre has trained and placed over 600 youth of the region in collaboration with the Ministry of Rural Development and Don Bosco Tech, New Delhi. Salesian College invites young people and their parents to partner in nurturing an ideal society.


Salesian Journal of ‘Humanities and Social Sciences'

Salesian College, Siliguri Campus, Don Bosco Road, Post Box No – 73 P.O. : Siliguri – 734001, West Bengal, India.


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