Bricolage II: Frantic Spatio-temporality of CoVid-19: Social Isolation and/in the Home
The fourth online event of Bricolage II, a series of readings, talks and conversations organised by the research scholars of the Department of English, University of Hyderabad was a lecture delivered by Shruti Sharma, doctoral candidate at CSSSC, and Bikash Sarma, researcher (JNU) and teacher, Salesian College, Siliguri on the 13th of February, 2021. Over the last year, Sharma and Sarma have co-written a series of articles analysing the bio-political, social and spatial dynamics of the pandemic, and they shared some of those insights through the course of this lecture. Titled “Frantic Spatio-temporality of CoVid-19: Social Isolation and/in the Home”, the talk deliberated upon the reconfiguration of domestic space in the light of the pandemic and the lockdown that followed, primarily along the fault lines of gender. They reflected on the theme of the “self-at-home” in post-lockdown India, and in particular, “the gendered experiences and expressions of the self” within the uncanny/unhomely quarantine-home.
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