Mongolian Aqua revolves around the theme of a life loved, lived sumptuously, and subconsciously awaited for its ‘suspense filled abrupt end’. The pace of the life narrated and the flow of the words in the poems out of ‘love’ for the author, and to recollect the manifold memories lingering in those known to him is to encounter the undying author, ever present in and through his words. As for those who come across these poems and do not know the author, or the circumstances of his life, there are glimpse of an ‘angelic passerby’ ruminating over the mystery of love and life; offerings of creativity, overflowing words attempting to capture the intensity of lived and cherished moments.
About the Author
Mr. Sukant Rai Namdung is the son of eminent Nepali writer, translator and critic Dr. Jiwan Namdung. He had his early education at St. Robert’s Higher Secondary School Darjeeling and graduated with English Honours from Salesian College Sonada. He pursued Masters degree in Mass communication from Acharya Institute of Journalism and Mass Communication Bangalore.