On Elements!
On hearing it, I thought, it couldn’t be better. Yes, a beautiful, thought provoking title indeed for the Creative Expressions of the Literary Society’s Magazine. Elements: Water, Fire, Earth, Air, and Space. We are the elements. The Elements make us. We are constituted. The “We” is a collective of these elements. The I and the You comes from the ‘We’ of the Elements. Together we occupy, create, consume, transform space.
Now think of it, this way: the literary society of the English department is an element of the Arts stream in the college. Each one of the contributors and the editors and their guides have made this virtual Space of the Elements a reality. The elements float in space.
The elements constantly reconfigure. They twine, intertwine and untwine to reunite all over again. Could there be a better expression of the “Freedom” this Issue of the Elements is trying to explore? Individual expressions creating a collective entity, called the Elements. An activity done in freedom, as an expression of an ongoing
angst as well as an intimation of the ecstasy to follow.
Creativity lurches in the interstices of the elements. Being in touch with the flow of air, water, earth, fire, one experiences the space called freedom. It is experienced in the coming together, coalescing and letting go. May your attempts to co-create be an experience of the journey ahead in college and beyond.
Congratulations. May the Elemental forces, keep nurturing your spirits ever on!
Father (Prof) George Thadathil SDB