Dear Friends,
The Education we received and the one which we are invited to give to the upcoming generation, whether we are faculty or parents, or both, differ on many scales triggered by the generational gap, the technology gap, and the digital gap. Besides, the knowledge at one’s fingertips kind of perception with the mobile in hand vs the rubrics of knowing and accessing knowledge and creating knowledge as an interactive process, confined not only to books and libraries but even going beyond one’s own neighborhood.
However, the human aspiration for being connected, networked, accepted, and acknowledged seems to be the thread that knits the physical presence on the campus. There is still this ardent desire to be on the right campus with the right department and with the right set of fellow seekers.
As alumni, young and old, your thoughts, and regards, your wishing us well, makes our journey through the month and the year, with and for our young batch of students, hopefully, a more pleasant one.
Fr George Thadathil sdb
Salesian College