Dear Friends,
Let me share with you a poem I wrote recently, on the occasion of a welcome and a farewell.
Probably it has something for each of us. Especially because poems like paintings, and may be even, music and dance, give way for multiple angles of perception giving rise to varied interpretations. The heoreticians of knowledge will go on to tell us, that in each piece of art, or attempts at art, like my poem, the reader of the work, has as much or more to contribute. The words mean so different even in the same language for two speakers of the language. There is something that we come with, to the world we occupy, that is unique to us. In the sharing in this issue by Tony and Chacko Sebastian, and even in the report of Chetna, one could see this diversity of perception, over a period of time, regarding what one holds dear and how these undergo changes.
Day or Night
Have you wondered
It is Day or Night
For You
On This or The Other
Have You ever Thought
of the Play
Of light and shadow
at twilight
When Darkness betrays and
You are
At the threshold of Light or
Is it Darkness?
When light is obstructed
by You
Shadow is cast upon
the Earth
When the Day is run out
Quiet descends
Does darkness truly
Is it not light always
Why do you grope
Unsure, Doubtful, Questioning
The Light
You Are
May our lives in these times, continue to make meaning, give light, pervade the sense of hope even amidst darkening clouds.
Fr. George Thadathil sdb
Principal, Salesian College Sonada and Siliguri
9 November 2020