Salesian Publications :

Being a Priest in India : A Manifesto



Why This Work?

It is my firm belief that the one who has a why can cope with anyhow in this unique once for all existence we call life. Meaning is at the_ root of all happiness. Life is a search for meaning. It is an exhilarating experience to discover that one’s own life has meaning. The perception of meaning adds colour and vigour, completeness and fulfilment. For me personally, this work though begun on account of the demands and requirements of attaining a Degree, has been, even more, arrival at and re-possession of the meaningfulness of a way of life I had chosen for some years. The central question, therefore, around which this whole work is situated is why should I be a Priest? My finite existence being the starting point of this Thesis, the purpose of this preface is to situate the immediate context, which is in other words, my own context.

About the Author

Fr. Prof. George Thadathil SDB is Principal of Salesian College Sonada and Siliguri Extended Campus, Darjeeling, West Bengal, India. His area of specialization is Cross-Cultural Social Philosophy. He has organized various research seminars engaging local scholarship with contemporary concerns of identity, language and ethnicity. He is the author of Vision from the Margin: Study of the Sri Narayana Guru Movement in the Literature of Nitya Chaitanya Yati (2007) and has edited and co-edited books like Communities and Identity Consciousness: South Indian Trajectories (2004), Cultural Identity in Nepali Language and Literature (2005), Subaltern Perspectives: Philosophizing in Context (2005), Cultural Linguistic Transitions in the Nepali Speech Community of Darjeeling (2009) besides contributing to a number of journals and edited volumes on Philosophy, Literature and Social Sciences. His publications are the outcome of an attempt to apply the research findings in South India (SNGM) onto the Language and Ethnicity based identity formations in Darjeeling District, North East India. He continues with his research interests in this field and is in the process of bringing out a volume on “Owning Locations: Transforming Small Worlds”. He is the Founder and Series editor of Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences in its tenth year as a biannual peer-reviewed publication and the Founder Director of Salesian Publications.






George Thadathil




Philosophical Theology



2 reviews for Being a Priest in India : A Manifesto

  1. Salesian Publications


    As a lay person, just going by the title of the book would make one think that it is a work having religious and spiritual dimensions to it. However, as one would proceed with the chapters, it is likely that the sincere effort to be understood and to feel belonged would make one realise the beautiful convergence of wide dimensions associated with the title such as philosophy, spirituality, economics, sociology, ecology, psychology, education, history, language and literature, and the likes. The work is intriguing and has the capacity to grow onto the readers like a perennial creeper-madhbilata, having wide implications even though written some 30 years ago.

    The work based out of a particular situational context has a mixed approach to it-both inductive and deductive, evolving with each conceptual explanation arising from the interplay of the conflicts in the author’s mind and the physical reality over time and space. The work brings to light the ‘innocence’ behind the conscious choice one makes for a particular vocation, surviving all the odds and how it shapes the future and impacts the vision.

    The word ‘being’ as used in the title of the book suggests something that is existing, alive, and in the process. Therefore, “Being a Priest in India: A Manifesto” can be thought to be a conscious and continuing effort to reconcile with one’s vision, recreate selfless identity for the greater cause of service to God and Mankind arising out of one’s growing sense of community identity and the ills prevalent in the past, having an equally profound relevance in today’s age and time.

    “Vision as action freed from attachments” as mentioned in the Preface by the author brings in a contradiction for me, as a lay person. Because to have a vision for dedicated service to God and Mankind is also a form of attachment to the service culminating in selflessness. The concept of ‘Spirit’ has been explicitly explained with subtle implicit dimension to it keeping the limitation of the study in view.

    Speaking about the relevance of the work, it is a manifestation of pragmatic, constructive and transformative philosophical worldviews. The work is sure to keep one engaged, grow, to ‘think and act with a vision’ and to make a conscious ‘choice’ for committed transformation in oneself to effect changes in others.

    I read the book out of my conscious choice and I am grateful to Fr. Dr. George Thadathil for coming up with such intriguing work that made me think, reflect, question and find answer to various conflicting thoughts. A project undertaken nearly 30 years ago has the ability to equally invoke curiosity in the young minds as in the old of this age and time.

    -Shiba Khatoon,
    Ph.D Research Scholar (JRF),
    Central University of Kerala.
    School of Education.

  2. Salesian Publications

    Review Comments on Being Priest in India: A Manifesto (2023) by Rev Rhonda J Rubinson of St John the Divine Cathedral, New York.

    Thank you for sharing your book “Being a Priest in India.” I have very much enjoyed spending deep time with it. I must admit that some of the terms and the concepts in the book are not very familiar to me, since I have minimal knowledge of Indian culture, Hinduism, and Indian Christianity, having only read some Hindu scriptures (selections from the Rig Veda, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, plus the writings of Gandhi) in two Ecumenics classes taught by Kosuke Koyama at Union Theological Seminary in the early 1990s. (Dr. Koyama was a remarkable minister and theologian, with an incredibly personal story and a great author. His “Mount Fuji and Mount Sinai” is my favourite.) All of which is to say that I need more background reading to understand your book fully. That said, I did find many points of connection in it.
    Here are some that resonated with me:
    Firstly, the Trinitarian structure embedded in our cosmos reflecting the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit also frames the structure of your work. The three Chapters are entitled Father, Son and Spirit. Secondly, your engagement with the theology of Teilhard de Chardin, who is one of my favourite authors. His ability to synthesise the mystical, physics, and geology is astonishing. (I love John Polkinghorne, our contemporary Anglican astronomer/ priest in Teilhard’s mould).
    Thirdly, your outcry over the destruction we are wreaking upon our earth (particularly now that we are in a climate crisis), calling to action as individuals leading communities.
    Fourthly, your observations on the bankruptcy and dangers of economics and technology with no morals (ie, our worship of capitalism and technological advances sans ethical, spiritual or moral concern).
    Fifthly, the “Coming of the Cosmic Christ” by Matthew Fox (who I heard preach several times at St. John the Divine. Fox was a friend of the longtime late Dean James Parks Morton), is indeed a daring conceptualisation.
    Sixthly, the dangers of an exclusive Christianity, which throughout history has been lethal (the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, and more). I love what Thich Nhat Hanh says in “Living Buddha, Living Christ” referring to the attitude of Christians that their way is the only way to God “Is not helpful” (a massive understatement). I very much agree with your concept of “One peak, many paths,” exploring the pluralism that can be contained within Orthodoxy.
    Seventhly, the influence of Gandhi in both Indian and Western Christianity. Ofcourse, the obvious carrier of Gandhi’s philosophy/theology is Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., for us, in the US. I see your more recent works bringing Gandhi into conversations with Ambedkar the great Indian Alumnus of Columbia University, our neighbour.
    Eighthly, your submission that the crucial mission for all Christians (but particularly priests) is to find the Holy Spirit in today’s church within (and despite) the blockages and perversions of its original spirit caused by it becoming a state religion and developing encrustations of politics, hierarchy and bureaucracy; and finally, the importance of the Eucharist in strengthening us personally and communally for this mission.
    Thank you again for sharing your book; I am so grateful that the Holy Spirit introduced us.
    With prayers for blessings always on your work and ministry,

    The Rev. Rhonda J. Rubinson

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Salesian Journal of ‘Humanities and Social Sciences'

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